By Wormy - 11/05/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I bit into a Reese's Cup that had been sitting on my desk for a while. As I did, half of a yellow meal worm fell out and landed in front of me, the other half was in my mouth. It was wiggling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 217
You deserved it 30 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mcsnelly 5

sitting on your desk for awhile? How long a while is this? If it's like a day, FYL. If it'd been sitting out for like a month, then YDI for eating something that's been sitting out for that long.

Eternity_fml 0

What sucks more is the feeling and memory you get when you see another Reese's.


I've heard of that before. It happened to my aunt once. Turned me off from Reeses for YEARS! I just went back not to long ago.

youfailatlife 0

I moderated this one. Holla!!!!!!!

I was just about to eat one but changed my mind. D:

How the hell long had that been sitting out? YDI

A meal worm? Really? I doubt it was actually a meal worm, but if it was then so what? Tasty, protein-rich snacks those are!

Spiffy 0

Once when I was really young I opened a cup of chocolate pudding and inside it was pure MOLD on the top. I can't look at chocolate pudding the same way. But your situation is worse! sorry to hear that

the exact same thing has happened to my friend before.

eiji_chan 0

Great, now that will always be in the back of my mind when I eat chocolate. However, meal worms are a better source of protein then beef. So, no worries. :P

ew. the same thing happened to me once. on my soccer team, we each had a "secret santa" type person who gave us a drink and a snack for after the game. i happily bit into my hershey's kiss ready to enjoy its milky chocolate heaven when i saw a little hole and half a maggot. i haven't eaten chocolate without checking for holes since.

organismal 0

auuugh stuff like this is gross my mom had some sees chocolate once, and when she bit into it there was a teeny spider and a web inside ;_;