By Anonymous - 29/01/2013 17:41 - United States - Des Moines

Today, I blew a huge gum bubble. My cat was on my lap and decided to shove her face in the bubble. There's gum all over her, and I still have scars from the last time I tried bathe her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 435
You deserved it 10 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Sticky situation" comments and pussy double-entendres in 3...2...1...

perdix 29

Take yer dirty animal down to PetsMart where the motto is: We're not ******* about cleaning cats.


Best way to bathe a cat, and I have one that tries to kill me if I don't do this, use a free hand to keep it pined down by the neck in the tub and the other to do the soaping and water. Just make sure you don't get so much water around their face they can't breath! But at this point, its probably best to use clippers and shave the cat. Gum isn't easy to get out.

missnuthin 10

i dont think soap and water would get gum out of fur anyway. you need to use something oil based, just like if you got it stuck in your own hair. it may be best to dip your fingers in a little olive oil and gently work out one bit of gum at a time. your cat may end up looking a little greasy, but that'll work itself out over time.

Groomers. Duh. Or if that's too expensive just shave or cut off the gum covered fur yourself.

Technically, you can read in the FML op tried to bathe 'the thing'. Isn't that caring?

KiddNYC1O 20

"I had fun once. It was terrible."

use ice to freeze the gum and it should come out pretty easy

lizziebear123 19

still have scars from last time??? you will always have the scars...they don't go away!