By Anonymous - 29/01/2013 17:41 - United States - Des Moines

Today, I blew a huge gum bubble. My cat was on my lap and decided to shove her face in the bubble. There's gum all over her, and I still have scars from the last time I tried bathe her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 435
You deserved it 10 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Sticky situation" comments and pussy double-entendres in 3...2...1...

perdix 29

Take yer dirty animal down to PetsMart where the motto is: We're not ******* about cleaning cats.


catanita 18

You should try clipping it's claws.

AJE98 5

Looks like your going to pet smart

guemarez 9

As cat owner myself, I have two words for you, Pet Groomer.

caysters 12

This reminds me of a post I've seen on Facebook about how to clean a cat... Toss soap into the toilet. Toss cat into toilet. Close lid. Cat cleans itself and the toilet. Just run when you let the cat free.

Animal cruelity. Cat will be either scared for life, or will get really angry Seriously pissed off house cat can be a problem up to the point where you'll have to call 911.

wanderingshopper 13

Gee make sure you tell YOUR family that how they need to clean you up...

Take him to the groomers. Or call his vet and ask if there's a mild sedative you can give him to relax him so he will let you bathe him? I know that my dog used to get really freaked out in cars, and his vet said it was okay to give him half of a Benadryl tablet. Worked like a charm. He was calm and eventually knocked out. Might not work for a cat though.

Definitely talk to a vet before doing this, cats on average are a bit smaller than dogs, so you probably wouldn't even need a half a tablet.

exnavyando671 1

ur a dumbass dude. scars after one day? Way to blow the story up. Just admit you blew it in the cat's face. Seriously

Warm washcloth. But she'll probably be the best at cleaning herself over time.

Spottedfeather 7

Why would you try to wash the cat to get the gum out ? That doesn't make any sense. Everybody knows that you get gum out of hair with cooking oil.

You can't put cooking oil on a cat's face.... It'd be best if he shaved the fur.