By hatesmellyfeet - 20/01/2010 13:47 - United States

Today, I boarded my flight and sat next to a man. I told him I had hoped he was a hot woman and he concurred. He said at least I wasn't obese and I replied "At least you aren't smelly". Minutes later I realize he had the most disgusting foot odour ever... the barefoot kind. I suffered for 11 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 666
You deserved it 5 073

Same thing different taste

Top comments

graciedacie 0

He had hoped he was a hot woman as well? Interesting....

At least you and a stranger got comfortable. A lot of people either wouldn't participate in such conversation or would get offended.


graciedacie 0

He had hoped he was a hot woman as well? Interesting....

That's what I was thinking - get out of my brain!

XSinister_EmoX 0

Well everyone has a picture of something.Apparently bad smelling foot odor wasn't one of them!

I wish he wouldve been a hot woman.

No... The other guy had wished the OP would have been a hit chick.

get him to put his shoes back on if he has the barefoot kind

underarmorfreak2 0

Hmm, am I missing something? What does that have to do with anything? On a separate note, #7 has the right idea :P

Because Indian people smell like bare feet?

# 5 Do you not have any respect to people with different nationalities and orgins? What are you trying to prove. Show some respect if you have any. That was just rude and what a stereotype. Honestly grow up.

Yeah, I hope that was sarcasm. Let me have a go... "White people smell like formaldehyde".

Maybe he wanted to spite the airport security for searching his shoes.

At least you and a stranger got comfortable. A lot of people either wouldn't participate in such conversation or would get offended.

Americunt 0

My friend wrote a new song >:o: Your butt is wide, well mine is too Just watch your mouth or I'll sit on you The word is out, better treat me right 'Cause I'm the king of cellulite Ham on, ham on, ham on whole wheat, all right My zippers bust, my buckles break I'm too much man for you to take The pavement cracks when I fall down I've got more chins than Chinatown Well, I've never used a phone booth And I've never seen my toes When I'm goin' to the movies I take up seven rows Because I'm fat, I'm fat, come on (Fat, fat, really really fat) You know I'm fat, I'm fat, you know it (Fat, fat, really really fat) You know I'm fat, I'm fat, come on you know (Fat, fat, really really fat) Don't you call me pudgy, portly or stout Just now tell me once again who's fat

Ok. Fyl for having to sit next to a random smelly person on a plane :(. Idk why people think its ok to smell like a bag of trash, especially in public.

lol reminds me of Planes, Trains and Automobiles

I hate it when that happens. "Whoa, I spoke too soon. You do stink. Stinker."

Sounds like quite an interesting and hilarious conversation and situation.