By welptbh - 04/04/2018 16:30 - United States - San Pablo

Today, I came out to my parents as trans. They immediately took my remaining college savings, canceled my credit card, and began plotting to abduct me and "wean me off hormones, like a heroin addict." FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 083
You deserved it 1 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Donut_Wizard 23

How dare they do that. I will use my donut magic to make them shit out stale, rock hard tabasco donuts for a month. do you condone or not condone gender dysphoria? That's like saying you approve or don't approve of clinical depression or being color blind or something. It exists, end of story. I mean, at best you can say you believe in it or not, but you can't really condone or not condone it.


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DraftHail614 17

Don't bother man. The FML community must still think you're some transphobic asshat even though it's not like you're bashing OP. I agree.

you don't "agree" with someone's existence m

Ham_spam 4

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Gender is a social role. Please explain to me how what's in your pants determines how you relate to society--does your penis know if you're Jewish or not? If you're Swahili? Those have more to do with gender than your genitals do.

First of all, try speaking to an actual scientist or geneticist for once, and good luck telling them that "gender is simple" because you couldn't be more wrong. Secondly, do you have any idea what a douche move it is to tell someone that the condition THEY suffer from, that YOU do not, isn't real?! People do this to me all the time with ADHD and I literally want to punch them. It's really not hard to not be a dick, trans people aren't hurting you or anyone else so live and and let live!

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You need to get away from those sociopaths

Donut_Wizard 23

How dare they do that. I will use my donut magic to make them shit out stale, rock hard tabasco donuts for a month.

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They might have been supporting this person through college, which is not uncommon, though the latter two items would be questionable at best, and straight-up illegal in most places.

julfunky 29

Getting a credit card from your parents and having college paid for you IS NOT A MILLENIAL THING. This is something wealthy families have been doing for centuries. Or however long, I don’t actually know for sure. Honestly, this whole millennial bashing thing has been played out far too many times.

julfunky 29

Let me add: I’m referring to getting money from your parents being around for centuries (or however long). Obviously credit cards themselves have not been around for that long.

I phrased that first comment rudely. What I should have said is "since you said you were in college I assume you are over 18. Therefore go get your own college fumdinf and credit card. The other two are most likely highly illegal. The situation is really unfortunate (being gay i had some similar experience.) BUT now you have an opportunity to be truly independent.

fuckingkillme17 8

in the us if your under like 21 to get a credit card you have to prove that you can pay it off or have your parents cosign it therefore they can cancel the card.

DraftHail614 17

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No, you clearly identify as an asshole.

DraftHail614 17

Easily offended I guess. So if I identify as either one, do I still get my own bathroom?

someone is telling us of some horrific potential abuse and an awful experience and you are making fun of them.

OmegaZero0 1

yes and it's still funny lol

Mal2003 17
DraftHail614 17

There we go. Someone who gets it

Elianas001 14

Thats horrible! i hope they come around soon! Best of luck transitioning!

jello_bellied_snack_snapper 18

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Show it anyway do you condone or not condone gender dysphoria? That's like saying you approve or don't approve of clinical depression or being color blind or something. It exists, end of story. I mean, at best you can say you believe in it or not, but you can't really condone or not condone it.

jello_bellied_snack_snapper 18

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You condone or not condone a lifestyle by having an opinion of that lifestyle. You show some class by being sympathetic to OP's parents overreacting to the news and even more class buy saying you hope that things improve. You become part of the problem when your keyboard warrior instincts kick in and you default to a shitty comment instead of a respectful dialogue. For the record, there are a lot of people out there who think of gender dysphoria as a mental health condition (which it is formally classed as) that should be treated with counselling, rather than surgery and hormones. This is a discussion that far too many people are not having. I personally know two trans people who transitioned (thankfully they stopped short of bottom surgery) and are now super messed up and trying to transition back.

No, you do not. The regrets rate for transitioning is 2%. There is just no statistical way you know even ONE person who regrets transitioning--you know people who are lying in your church for cred. Do you really think those 'homosexuals who found Jesus' and 'former addicts who found Jesus' are actually telling the truth?

notlisapizza 3

gender dysphoria is a mental illness, and the best course of treatment for many who suffer is transitioning to the gender they identify as. I don't know how you can say you don't "condone" what is a recognized mental illness and the best treatment for said illness. it's like not "condoning" chemotherapy for cancer patients.

jello_bellied_snack_snapper 18

Sorry if I've offended anyone. I could have phrased that better. Those who struggle with gender dysphoria deserve every sympathy.

this is the sort of discourse we need :)

Suaria 38

As someone who is going to college to become a mental health practicioner what you said is completely wrong. Most of the field except for very few practicioners/psychiatrists believe the best thing to treat gender dysphoria is to transition. There's also risk of misdiagnosis of any mental health disorder. It is quite possible your friends were not trans, but believed that was what fit them. I'm pretty active in the LGBTQ community, and know multiple trans people who know transitioning is the best thing for them. I do think detransitioning is an important topic to discuss, but the fact is you also have to realize that transitioning for some people is the best thing for them.

My immediate reaction is: run fast, run far. I don't know if you can reason with your parents, but make sure to keep any friends or support groups you know up to date on what's going on in case you need support...or heaven forbid an actual rescue.

I'm so sorry about your parents. I hope that they come around and accept you. if not, I hope you're able to leave that toxic and horrific enviorment.

Sorry to hear that. Your family seems stuck somewhere. Hope you get this sorted out and they come around.