By excusemeprincess - 11/02/2013 17:08 - United States - Middle Island
excusemeprincess tells us more.
I'm the person who posted this. I just forgot to log in. Anyway, I DID kick him in his deku nuts and walk out on him. Thanks for all your hilarious comments guys. :)
Top comments
feel free to come to my place...
Hell yeah!!! Mine too
Birthday threesome...
I don't suppose he suggested you both stay?
How dare you! She's a nice lady!!!
99) The Hangover reference! I officially love you =D
# 55, it is? Well, I'll have to excuse myself, for I have witnesses to take care of...
oops, nothing to see here. I wish I could delete comments. feel free to bury this.
Who WOULDN'T wanna dress up as sexy characters :D?!! I'm thinking the blue chick from Halo 4 or Misty from Pokemon haha :D
"The blue chick". She's like my one true love!
70, there's a big difference between hookers and strippers.
Wow. I feel like a cliche comment should go here. like. "I hope you dump him" or something along those lines. Because you really deserve better than that. Nobody should have to put up with some guy doing that kind of stuff.
It's very clear that OP's (hopefully) now ex-boyfriend had an awesome girlfriend and he was too stupid to even see it. OP, you're pretty much every guys' fantasy and a lot of girls' too!
#3 thats the most generic thing to say
Why not dress like princess Zelda?
(See comment 4)
(See time posted)
Your boyfriend has the Triforce of Douchebaggery. You should kick him in his little Deku nuts.
Looks like he'll be playing his own Ocarina for a while
Looks like he is going to put his Master Sword in the wrong pedestal this time.
Yea I guess he'll have to pull out the Master Sword on his own EDIT: Dammit ICastillo couldn't you have waited five minutes? D:
Sorry Pleonasm. But it was linked to the rest of the thread. I had to put it.
It appears his compass and map lead him to the wrong room.
And chest* ;)
I guess he decided to not listen to Navi, and took the wrong girl.
#102 who listens to Navi, she always says useless crap.
"HEY LISTEN, I see you're trying to make jokes here, try a triforce joke." "One was already made." "HEY LISTEN, try a triforce joke." Sometimes I really wished I could "accidentally" hit her with something.
Pay the ***** with a Rupoor!
best.coment.ever. Well done!
Purple rupees for good time.
Classy ****** get the yellow rupees
Op, I'm sorry your thoughtfulness wasn't returned in kind. I doubt from this one example you deserved that in the least. :(
Maybe she was a fairy he was planning to put in a jar for a rainy day.
No imagination.
I'm imagining playing with those controls in that picture...
Sometimes, a hooker is just a hooker.
Not Mario & Peach?
The nice thing about Link and Zelda's relationship is that you never know whether he's going to be friendzoning her, or the other way round.
67: Maybe it's part of being a total nerd, but I always wonder when Mario will just say "**** it" and just stop rescuing the apparently witless princess. She needs a laser-fortified security system, and she really, REALLY needs to stop hiring those pussy-ass Toads to mind the castle premises (or at least give them some weapons). Furthermore, Mario needs to stop flying off and doing bullshit at the wrongest times ever. If Super Mario Bros. 2 has taught me anything, Peach can go adventuring WITH MARIO. Oh well.
Give him the Ocarina of Dumpage.
She should look skyward, and not give him so much as a link to her past, as this is the twilight of their relationship. Though this one has diminished, a new one will wake in its place as soon as the sand in the hourglass has disappeared ... or so the oracle said.

feel free to come to my place...
Wow. I feel like a cliche comment should go here. like. "I hope you dump him" or something along those lines. Because you really deserve better than that. Nobody should have to put up with some guy doing that kind of stuff.