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By Anonymous - 22/11/2017 13:00 - Canada

Today, I booked my holiday flights. There's 700 miles between the small country I live in and the family I'm visiting, normally one 3-hour flight. Thanks to hurricanes Irma and Maria, the only available route traverses 1700 miles and will take 26 continuous hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 427
You deserved it 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

exileonmainst 16

I have good news, those hurricanes were two months ago so you should be all clear!

exileonmainst 16

I’m sorry for posting anything resembling a joke. I’ll be a good fml commenter from now on and only post brilliantly worded comments like ”I’m so sorry OP”, I promise.


exileonmainst 16

I have good news, those hurricanes were two months ago so you should be all clear!

Just because the hurricanes were two months ago doesn't mean that recovery efforts are complete, or that all air travel typically passing through those areas has been restored.

Damages are still there. Most of Puerto Rico still does not have electricity for instance.

exileonmainst 16

I’m sorry for posting anything resembling a joke. I’ll be a good fml commenter from now on and only post brilliantly worded comments like ”I’m so sorry OP”, I promise.

manb91uk 22

You could always blow off the holiday for a few more months?

The good news is you’ll have a long, boring story to tell at family gatherings. It’s always good to have something to talk about other than the things that have disappointed your family.

You could always visit another time. You did this to yourself.

Nope. Continuous. Continuous: “Back to motherfuckin back”.

I'm sure your family would have understood if you hadn't come this year or at least delayed it by a few months and come Easter or whatever the next applicable holiday is.

Good god, what a detour. My flights from Ohio to Iraq with two stops in between were about 20 hours a piece. Where in god’s name did they divert you to?

corky1992 33

I’d probably just skip it this time then. I’m sure your family will understand.

bigdaddyeric 35

And you thought this was good planning rather than wait a week? You’re an idiot!

I'm sorry that Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria ravaged several islands and left thousands of people homeless and even more without power are lengthening your holiday travel plans.