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By Gw - 28/10/2009 19:03 - United States

Today, my fiancée and I were going on our honeymoon. Our flight was delayed by two hours. It landed when our connecting flight to St. Lucia was taking off. The airline said they were holding the flight for us, so we sprinted from D gate to A, in time to watch the plane pull away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 215
You deserved it 2 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skip231 0

If it's your honeymoon, isn't he no longer your fiance? Just wondering.

perdix 29

YDI for not waiting until marriage before going on your honeymoon. I'm not so holier-than-thou and superior that I look down on you for having pre-marital sex. But when you ask me to tolerate pre-marital honeymooning, that is something I cannot do. Some lines must never be crossed!


Lol nice CATch ________________________________

HahaYDI 0

Haha. I see what you did there. You made a funny by taking the word "catch" and emphasizing the "cat" part. Very clever, you sir win one internet cookie. *Hands cookie*

I don't see the chocolate chips in the cookie?!? :( I hope you abdiCATe your position as the cookie fairy! :( ________________________________

HahaYDI 0

It isn't chocolae chip, it's a tracking cookie, those are the finest in internet cookies. But, if you prefer I can send you a chocolate chip cookie by mail if you wish to give out your address. Lol.

Mx_Rider 6

Ehhhhhh **** her in the airport bathroom till shes knocked the F out?

sexymessy 0

Been there, done that & it really sucks. :/

Since I'm a huge jackass, I'm going to point out what number post I have. Yay! #6! XD

skip231 0

If it's your honeymoon, isn't he no longer your fiance? Just wondering.

Veritas143 0

that's all I could think about..i barely paid attention to the rest of the FML thinking about it..

good point... Honeymoon = Already married (Normally) 2nd... this is one of those that i dont' see how people can say "You deserve it" it wasn't their fault they missed their flight...

same.... I haven't a clue what she said after... bc I was trying to figure it out... she's probably not even used to saying husband yet, where she's probably said fiancé for a while.. ya

Um, first of all, the OP is a guy (thats what the little blue symbol means, FYI) and secondly, when it is spelled "fiancée" that is referring to a girl . There is a difference, people, learn it ! Fiancé = boy Fiancée = girl

They could've done the honeymoon first, then the wedding after. That's what my friend and her husband did.

MARRIAGE FAIL!!! If you're on your honeymoon (even enroute to it), she's your WIFE, not 'fiance'!! You don't deserve a honeymoon!! Fate has seen how you are!!

It's pooptacular when it's happening, but don't let it bother you too much, I've been held up in airports before, and the longer your flight, it seems the more likely you are to run into problems. Just laugh and enjoy your time together. Explore the terminal. Have fun with it! Maybe I just love being new places, but I might actually enjoy the chance to run around an international airport with my loved one. Airports are awesome! (Once you're past the security.)

perdix 29

YDI for not waiting until marriage before going on your honeymoon. I'm not so holier-than-thou and superior that I look down on you for having pre-marital sex. But when you ask me to tolerate pre-marital honeymooning, that is something I cannot do. Some lines must never be crossed!

LMAO!! There u go again! :D Nice, after a hard days work! OP: Im sure u really meant to write, ur wife :) Sorry for U both! That sucks ass!!! BUT, a honeymoon is a honeymoon. Wherever, whenever... ;) I hope u both made the best of it. Life happens