By Anonymous - 19/01/2014 21:08 - Canada - Prince Albert

Today, I bought an automatic air refresher. I put the can and batteries in, and it promptly sprayed a blast of its scent down my throat. Now I can't breathe without tasting it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 908
You deserved it 9 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least you will have fresh breath for a week... or two

at least you won't need to buy breath mints for a while


What happened to you is why they put warning labels on everything. "Caution take foil off chocolate before eating" etc.

RedPillSucks 31

The power of Literacy compels you!

Now you have tasted air freshener, you can now tell the FDA!

Chibitalia180 6

Yikes. I know how it feels to not be able to breathe without tasting the smell of it.

The same thing happened to me about 2 weeks ago. Mine was cinnamon apple. I know your pain!