By Mervin22 - 29/01/2011 04:10 - Australia

Today, I broke my arm. When I got home from the doctors with my cast, I fell asleep on the couch from the medicine. When I woke up, there were swastikas, "I love the KKK", and multiple penises written all over my cast. My dad thought it would be funny. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 364
You deserved it 4 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stacster 0

well grab a sharpie and start turning penises into space ships


I_R_Genius 3

Way to go bro, you just sterotyped one country. People like you make me sick.

I_R_Genius 3

Wow really? You just sterotyped one country dumbass. People like you make me sick. I really wish I could kill you right now, but I'm in the country you hate so you're lucky.

my mom would be furious, so i would blackmail my dad :)

yeah coz u can kick people with a hammer

please disregard my previous comment #43 as it was meant to be a reply to #6

you have a child for a dad. congrats! |the kid|

doggywalker 1

Nelson Mandela has nothing to do with us civil rights. He was in south Africa in the 1990's you morron.