By Anonymous - 17/01/2012 06:13 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By CessnaPilot - 13/12/2011 03:47 - United States
By Anonymous - 11/09/2009 14:48 - Canada
Goodbye horses
By Owned - 25/03/2009 23:43 - United States
By Me - 20/12/2010 06:22
By fmlmao - 28/01/2017 12:00
By wellthen - 12/07/2016 21:35 - United States - Clarksville
By Lizziebelle - 01/12/2016 08:07 - United States - Seattle
By dumb dancer - 05/12/2014 01:54 - United States - Saginaw
By KlutzyFarmGirl - 12/06/2018 14:30 - United States
By livinproof - 10/12/2018 13:30
Top comments
better than getting kicked in the head i'd say
OP did.
This situation could've been avoided if OP hadn't been horsing around
I see what you did there. I too used to pick fights with horses, then I took an arrow to the knee.
You know, you're supposed to break the horse, not let the horse break you.
Im on the horse's side too :)
I'm on a horse. *whis-* *horse starts punching the crap out of me*
Unless OP is referring to sarah jessica parker. /snicker.
Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a foot!
Maybe you should learn how to crack a whip, not your wrist... Ps^^ Sarah Jessica Parker looks nothing like a horse...argument invalid!
Maltesers are delicious.
You gotta know who's boss.
I guess that's what you get for horsing around. No? Anybody? Ahh, forget it. haha
I've gotten into a fight with my horse. And won.
Ya OP, stop horsing around.
Yup OP deserved it for disagreeing with a horse.
Sexual disagreement?
I personally hate horses, one of them bit my girlfriend with it's buck teeth and I punched it in the head.
Ooooh PETA's gonna burn your house down
Horses be crazy!
How do they deserve it? Horses are indeed awesome, but anyone who owns them or is around them knows that "disagreements" are inevitable, as are injuries.
9 & 39- shut up, nobody cares.
Oh sorry, I forgot that logical and informative answers are not wanted. We are stating the facts, for ****'s sake. Horses are living creatures with minds of their own. OP didn't explain how this disagreement came about. The horse could've bit or kicked her, or did something that was no fault of OP's
105- you're right, FML is the best place to be mature, my bad. Tell us more about horses and completely ignore the joke, lady.
110- There was no joke there... He simply stated that horses are awesome. Quit bitching at people for giving their opinions because not many people give a shit about what you're saying either...
The only way I could see OP breaking their wrist is a) they were lying on the floor and the horse stepped on it, which in that case they would deserve it, or b) OP was walking the horse, and was holding the leadshank wrong and the horse tried to run off and pull OP with them, which is far more likely.
108- you're 15 according to your profile. Not qualifying as a legal adult does not give you a free pass to act like a 10 year old. God forbid someone actually comment maturely and with logic instead of saying "lol ydi horses are awesome." There was no joke. You all just have the mental level of a 5th grader, and can't accept that not everything is OP's fault just because she didn't ride off into the sunset on a rainbow unicorn.
115- I never said "lol". But go ahead and add words to my mouth if that pleases you. Second of all, your profile seems to show you like horses. Why you're being annoying? I don't know. Most of all, who are you to say that what I wrote wasn't a joke? I don't know the whole story so I can't make an accurate assumption and neither can you. I never directly blamed OP. JOKING around, I said that she deserves it because horses are awesome. Now if we knew the whole story, it's different.
124, with the addition of "lol" and lack of grammar, I was not directly quoting you. Yes, good job at reading my profile. I own and work with horses. What does that have to do with anything, other than me knowing more to be able to infer about the situation? You said "YDI" which would be a form of blame. Telling someone they deserve a broken wrist because horses are awesome would be directly blaming them.
124-Let me break down the fuckness of that comment. 1. She added lol because it wasn't a quote. She was mocking how silly the comment sounded. 2. Her knowing about horses only gives her the upper hand. There was no reason to add that. 3. Your comment wasn't funny in the least. It's easy to be confused with not being a joke. 4. Even if the comment was an obvious joke, you have no right to act like such an imbecile when steviesnm and I were bringing up a point respectably.
131- go play with your horses, I'm bored of you already.
Mikeeg, I got what you were saying, as did others who thumbed your comment up, more than these last comments between all of us. Stevie, you're the exact type of girl I avoid being friends with; boring. You're trying to be informative with BASIC facts that anyone with common sense could understand.
Boofgall, if they were basic facts, why are there so many dumb ***** who can't get it through their heads that more than likely, OP did not deserve it, and especially not just because "horses are awesome".
Waaa. Stevie's not the type of person you wish to be friends with. Get your mind out of middle school. She wasn't trying to be informative or cocky about anything. She was bringing up why she disagreed with Mikeeg saying OP deserved it. That's it. There is absolutely no reason for you to tell her to shut up for that.
136- Because everyone LIVES for your acceptance and to entertain you.
138- none of those dumb ***** commented on this comment, stupid.
143, Sorry, did I not make myself clear enough? You're one of those dumb *****.
I hope you die in flames. Have a nice day.
*neeeeigh* "Bitch you be trippin. Now you get the hooves!" that's how I imagine the horse in this situation.
For some reason, i instantly thought of mister ed,
So now we know: don't get into any religious, political or scientific debates with equines. They find their views of Rick Perry and Christianity ******* seriously.
Or the length of its ______. Wonder what he was doing with his wrist in the first place
This is why you don't argue with horses...
..Yeah, I hear they're known for breaking wrists. >.>

Oh youu thought you would win a fight withh an 1000 pound horse??
This situation could've been avoided if OP hadn't been horsing around