By DramaQueen - 19/07/2009 06:45 - Canada

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend. As I left his house and began to drive away, I see him chasing after my car barefoot. I stop and roll down the window, ready to listen to the speech he has prepared to win me over with. He takes a moment to catch his breath and says "I want my cellphone back". FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 832
You deserved it 62 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lyndis_fml 0

If you were prepared to listen to his speech, why did you break up with him? Should have tried to work shit out before you did something stupid. Since this is on FML, you're obviously upset that he doesn't want you back, so breaking up with him was just some ploy to get him to pay attention to you. Grow up.


XxladyreaperxX 0

ok.... so.... you broke up with HIM and drove away feeling all smug and then you expect him to come up and win u back, then u say **** you life when he doesnt?........ ur an attention ***** and u deserved it

yumpinyiminy 0

YDI for being a total narcissist.

WHAT'S YOUR POINT!?! You broke up with him. It's not like you started bitching, saying you didn't want to hear him lecture about how great your relationship is. Give him his phone back and drive off. Big deal.

You realize the username on the posts is just a nickname, right?

It sounds like you just dumped him to hear what he would say to you after . That's ******* stupid , YDI. I hope you come crawling back to him .

girl i think he was not that worth it anyways....