By angelamegan21 - 28/05/2014 20:33 - United States - Port Saint Lucie

Today, I burned my left breast with hot oil at work. Everyone's now calling me "toaster strudel" and singing "This girl is on fire" every time we cross paths. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 577
You deserved it 6 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you've got people telling you you're hot. I'm not even close to that... Lmao

Everyone knows the best breasts are deep fried.


I think things went **** up for OP.

I don't think my father, the inventor of Toaster Strudel, would be happy to hear about your nickname.

nurchok 15

Sorry to hear that. That's quite a sensitive area, must've hurt like hell

Is it just me, or is that borderline harassment? Work environments are different, but being ridiculed at work sux. Hopefully it ends soon

You better hope someone else does something so that you don't keep having this issue I guess I could call it

damnit1989 16

I'm not sure I understand the toaster strudel part.

RedPillSucks 31

Toaster, because she burned herself. Strudel, because..., well, breasts are yummy, and so are strudels.

Oh restaurant life. It's what you sign up for working in food

Toaster strudel breasts huh? Patent anyone ?