By outsmartedbykids - 28/05/2014 16:28 - United States - Lake Mills
Same thing different taste
By screwedwoman27 - 19/06/2011 18:03 - United States
By downlowtooslow - 12/06/2009 04:49 - United States
Fussy eater
By germaphobe - 19/08/2021 20:59 - United States
By mvgirl - 22/10/2009 15:47 - United States
By smth - 06/07/2009 02:39 - United States
By McChunky =( - 09/03/2009 08:25 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/09/2009 15:39 - United States
By laughxlove - 23/08/2010 04:03 - United States
By Kathryn - 08/08/2011 23:58 - United States
Let him cook
By Max - 09/04/2014 18:32 - United States
Top comments
You should be proud of your kids OP!
I think that's kind of cute rather than bratty. I wouldn't face palm and say fml, I would laugh but just dump the ice cream, lol. But like #said, you should have been specific
Maybe OP shouldn't be such a bitch to her kids.
I agree with 29. They found a suitable loophole. You can't get any more American than that.
America.. **** yeah!
Although bad diets are nothing to laugh at, this is still hilarious. Especially your husband's reaction.
Those kids are going places.

Not college, but places.
why not? That was pretty smart.
Why not college? They listened closely, and used critical thinking skills. These kids are brilliant!
I should really rethink my comments more often
Either way they are geniuses
They didn't do anything wrong, you should have been more specific!
Well played...well played
Future lawyers.
They did as you said. They deserve the ice cream. :)
I like their style, haha My mom wouldn't think it was funny at all or I was being "smart". She would of lectured me because "she knew that I knew what she meant."
I actually pulled this exact same stunt once. My cheek just got flashback tingles from where my grandma backhanded me.
Unfortunately I usually got "something healthy", so I couldn't pull that if I thought of it :(
*would HAVE
Thats my boy
You have smart kids! Love it:)
Those kids are awesome

Those kids are going places.
At least you've taught them to listen closely.