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By ouchieouch - 07/01/2011 18:14 - United States

Today, I burned myself while cooking, so I asked my mom to get the burn cream while I waited in the kitchen. While I was waiting, I absentmindedly set my hand on the hot stove, earning myself a second burn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 367
You deserved it 42 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Getting burned should teach you to be careful around stoves.

FYLDeep 25

You're stupid. You should have had water running over that burn to prevent it from getting worse. You should only apply burn cream after that. You shouldn't have been patiently waiting by the stove at least.


PuppiesFTW 5

"You got burned by a stove!!!" "oh no it di'in't" (i don't know how to spell it the way people say it)

YDI. Getting burned should teach you to be careful around stoves.

I agree. Once bitten, twice shy. I guess in this case, it's more like "Once bitten, stick hand back in mouth while waiting for mommy to kiss it better."

well spoken 15. when I get burned I don't run for burn cream...I just grit my teeth and move on. ...unless the burn requires a doctor, then I ask mommy to call an ambulance for me, cause I don't know their numba.

DreBeezy 9

No, they have mayonnaise for whenever someone gets a burn.

FYLDeep 25

You're stupid. You should have had water running over that burn to prevent it from getting worse. You should only apply burn cream after that. You shouldn't have been patiently waiting by the stove at least.

KristinaKreme 0

I completely degree. OP totally deserves it for being uncautious and stupid =_=

I was told that you shouldn't use burn cream at least until the next day or the blister will form under your skin or something /:

robc32ca 4

rotflmao. on the iPhone burn cream and bum cream look almost the same. maybe I should put my glasses on...

KFCkoolaidWaterm 0

Did you also absentmindedly put your foot in the oven? Or stick your head in the microwave? You set yourself up for that.

perdix 29

That's why teh womenses stay in da kitchens and da mens set on the couch and wait for da sammiches to come out.

I was waiting for a comment like that. It's a little disappointing that it's coming from you Perdix, but not really surprising considering how desperate you are for attention.

How do you fail to miss the obvious sarcasm?

I didn't actually, I just think that joke isn't funny, even with the added sarcasm.

You got burned at least 3 times by my count. You also burned yourself by putting up this FML and expecting any sympathy. FYI: Probably not a good idea for you to run around the house with scissors in your hand.

Ahh, poor little mama's boy couldn't bother to look for the burn cream himself or ask his momma where it was. He had to wait in the kitchen because of his horrible injury. And don't say you couldn't reach it. I almost guarantee you that you're taller than yo mama. If you're my height (and I'm barely above average), yo mama would be perfectly at your crotch level if she was on her knees, as we found out last night. I also used my telekinesis to move the stove near your hand and give you a second burn once I found out what a wimp you are. It's called tough love, and as your new daddy expect a lot more of it. ... Wow, that FML brought out the worst in me. For the rest of you, I love you all! :).

Maybe he's a midget?... or has a freakishly tall mom?

ChefGuy 0
justbigbs 6

Props for you being in the kitchen helping out, but please for your own sake don't go to Hell's Kitchen. I think ice helps helps, get aloe and vitamin E.