By ouchieouch - 07/01/2011 18:14 - United States

Today, I burned myself while cooking, so I asked my mom to get the burn cream while I waited in the kitchen. While I was waiting, I absentmindedly set my hand on the hot stove, earning myself a second burn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 366
You deserved it 42 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Getting burned should teach you to be careful around stoves.

FYLDeep 25

You're stupid. You should have had water running over that burn to prevent it from getting worse. You should only apply burn cream after that. You shouldn't have been patiently waiting by the stove at least.


your from Oklahoma, so stating the obvious that your a moron is no use. YDI dumbass.

stewpididiot 11

would that be a 'OKsymoron' ??

DakotaCat 4

you're doing it all wrong! You gotta do it like Spongebob!

omg, chill o_o you dont have to go RAMPAGE. Why should he die for burning his/herslef ACCIDENTLY -.- Calm your **** And op, seriously about the burn, but why stay in the kitchen? and you could've went and got the burn cream yourslef. its not like the stove totally made you unable to walk. :o maybe you are in a wheelchair, if so; am sorry D;

FriendlyFires 0

me and meh friend,Julie,said and we approve of this message that you are a TRUE DUMBASS,DUMBASS

You need to stay out of the kitchen.