By Maxime - 28/02/2014 00:32 - France - Paris

Today, I called a company for a problem with our septic tank. Two workers show up, I take them into the garden to show them the manhole cover at the top of it. They open it up. We then gaze upon a sea of condoms floating on the surface. My wife and I don't use condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 550
You deserved it 39

Top comments

Nicole819 11

it might be time to call Cheaters .

Why are we assuming it's the wife? Couldn't it be their kids?


Hope you find out who it was. Best of luck OP!

i doubt it would be the wife.. presumably she would be aware that you can't flush condoms down the toilet if you have a septic tank

lil_mars 1

Maybe she used them on her vibrator/*****! That's common with sex toys. Do you have teenaged kids? Could've been one of them. Have you pissed anyone off in the neighborhood? Could've been a plot for revenge.

Why wouldn't you use protection? And even if she IS cheating, at least her new boyfriend would be more cautious. YDI.

Isa_fml 20

They're married. STIs shouldn't be a concern. Maybe they WANT children. Maybe he's had a vasectomy or she's had a tubal ligation. Maybe she has an IUD. Maybe she's on the pill, or the patch, or uses the ring. I could go on and on. This is why we need proper sex ed... /sigh

122, that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Are you really that stupid???

Mortoli 30

Lol sex Ed woulda been nice but my school didn't teach it for some reason.

OP, would you prefer it to be your kid or wife? Haha, FYL

I feel like we need to know if you have children to eliminate some possibilities.

Yakostovian 18

My first guess was the couple have a sexually active teenager in the house. Cheating didn't come into my mind until the lot of you brought it up. In context, cheating wife makes more sense than an unmentioned teenager.

pwnman 33

Seems like the Pakistani guy's condom reached France..