By Maxime - 28/02/2014 00:32 - France - Paris

Today, I called a company for a problem with our septic tank. Two workers show up, I take them into the garden to show them the manhole cover at the top of it. They open it up. We then gaze upon a sea of condoms floating on the surface. My wife and I don't use condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 550
You deserved it 39

Top comments

Nicole819 11

it might be time to call Cheaters .

Why are we assuming it's the wife? Couldn't it be their kids?


Sounds like either a teen or you wife uses them

I like how the illustrated FML just clumsily tried to rid the subtlety of the FML. Although it's not the author that drew it so it doesn't prove anything. It's pretty horrible.

Do you have a kid at an age that might be sexually active? Let's not jump to conclusions. It could even be a neighbor. Be positive.

I don't see why we can all assume the wife is cheating, we don't have all the information. Do they have grown kids who are sexually active, are they the once and only owners of this house? I have had my plumbing backed up with lady accessories that I know for a fact didn't belong to me. Mayhap it's the husband and he is trying to blame it on her? Don't pass judgement on the wife if we don't know all the facts.

This need more info lol like do they have teenagers or older kids...was it his wife?

Yo #41 listen to the fml staff he's obviously a playa.

You dont...but does your Kidz?? :3 looks like some investigation is needed

You mean... You don't use condoms... Clearly your wife does. :/