By Jack00412 - 08/07/2014 19:55 - United States - Montague
Same thing different taste
By thanks, Nemo. - 11/07/2013 23:13 - United States - Hayward
By Bad Cat - 29/05/2019 14:00
By exfishowner - 27/01/2019 12:00
By McMuffin - 26/05/2017 14:00
By lolmyfduplife - 24/12/2015 06:10
By geli - 09/08/2016 00:12
RIP in peace
By Connie - 01/04/2022 10:00
Apex predator
By Ihatestraycats - 22/07/2023 12:00
By Jukka - 19/04/2011 00:48
By Pandistoteles - 14/04/2015 21:17 - United States
Top comments
oof poor fish.
Now that's true friendship..
Coming from the girl who's drowned her fish? I have the feeling you had something to do with it
This comment is funny because of that quality pun. It's even funnier, however, because of your name.
I was honestly thinking of "Finding Nemo" with this reference
I laughed :)
A court herring doesn't sound like a reel good idea.
Maybe the tank or bowl should be placed somewhere the kid can't get it? I wouldn't trust a 3-year-old...
Or an animal that walks
Oops, better lock the cats and dogs up, they're un-trustable.
But nobody ever suspects the hamster...
Well, those buggers are so easy to suck up in the vacuum...
well that really put things up to "scale."
If only this were iFunny.
#49 finny*
Way to go, #5. You've hooked #29.
Just the way you worded it... I can't NOT Laugh
I wish what was the case. But then if it was, there wouldn't have been this FML here would it?
is her name darla?
Sounds like she needs a playmate OP. Her heart will break when she realizes what has happened to her friend.
What he said ^
I don't think quietly replacing the fish is a good idea. OP needs to teach their daughter that fish need to stay in water to survive.. Otherwise they might end up with a marine serial killer who doesn't even realize it :/
I'm so torn about this. On the one hand, I feel like the child should be taught the proper care of fish to avoid any other mishaps. On the other hand, I can't imagine how she would react to finding out she killed her own pet! I imagine she'll be extremely upset.
43 is definitely in the right here. It might break her heart to learn that she killed her own pet, but it'll certainly keep her from doing it a second time.
Pun failed. Keep trying Siamese Fighter.
If you didn't tell us that the pun was intended, I don't think we would have known.

Maybe the tank or bowl should be placed somewhere the kid can't get it? I wouldn't trust a 3-year-old...
oof poor fish.