By nikkiquila_0699 - 05/09/2009 21:24 - Canada

Today, I came back from my 3-month vacation in France. During my vacation I lost 32 lbs and I was so excited to show off my new body to my boyfriend. When he walked in the door, he didn't notice me, but he did notice my younger, thinner and tanner sister strutting around in her bikini. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 401
You deserved it 4 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw, that's a bummer. Congrats on losing 32 lbs though!

well you lost weight so youll be hot for a better boyfriend


Why was your sister in a bikini in front of him? Can you blame him? It was probably just shock like oh my god she's walking around almost naked what the hell?