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By Dissent21 - 05/06/2015 21:29 - United States - Boise

Today, one of my two roommates moved out without warning after we discovered that the rent hadn't been paid in full in a month, the utility bill hadn't been paid in two months, and the electric bill hadn't been paid in three months. We found out when the power was turned off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 122
You deserved it 3 976

Dissent21 tells us more.

I didn't really just "assume". We'd had a long conversation about who was going to be paying what bills, and we had an established system. I thought. She just sort of... didn't hold up her end, and then didn't tell me there was a problem.

Top comments

I guess you could say he left you in the dark about it

Sorry but you kinda deserve it... You should definitely pay more attention to bills like that and keep up with them! Never just assume someone else is paying it. ;)


veritoswty6 14

Quite friendly roommates you had there! Smh

Psycocharger 19

Did he leave to avoid paying? I bet he will try coming back...

I guess you could say he left you in the dark about it

I guess he didn't have the "power" to tell them.

Guess you'd prefer to be alone rather than wish you were

Sorry but you kinda deserve it... You should definitely pay more attention to bills like that and keep up with them! Never just assume someone else is paying it. ;)

And even if someone else is doing the paying, you'd expect they'd come knocking asking for your share of the bill.

I assume it was a shared payment, and this roommate wasn't paying his share. Either that, or this roommate was given the money to pay, and never did.

JMichael 25

Either way it's OP's responsibility to follow up and make sure bills are getting paid.

Marcella1016 31

My assumption was that one of the roommates was collecting the money but pocketed it instead of paying the bills. All three roommates actually "forgetting" to pay their bills just does not compute with me. I just can't fathom it lol Then again, I've seen my share of idiots on here, so.... OP, follow-up?!

Oh, that's a good thought! Yeah, I read it as the roommate left just because nobody was paying and everything was getting turned off... A follow-up would be good!

Ya, I think what happened was that the roommate that left was the one that collected the money from op and the other roommate, and then paid the bills each month. So op and the other roommate expected that the bills were being paid since they weren't getting their money back or anything. Sounds like the roommate was pocketing it the whole time! I'd be furious! Op, you should probably press charges seeing as it's probably a couple hundred bucks you were paying, that way the landlord knows it's not your fault completely and if the roommate ever comes around again, the police can try and get your money back. I wonder if this roommate has done this before to different people in different apartments?

I didn't really just "assume". We'd had a long conversation about who was going to be paying what bills, and we had an established system. I thought. She just sort of... didn't hold up her end, and then didn't tell me there was a problem.

Marcella1016 31

Damn that's terrible sorry OP :( Hope everything works out!

It's always good to be the one responsible for bills with your name on them.. This way you know that they are getting paid.

Marcella1016 31

Having your name on them is a double-edged sword, though. If one of the roommates ***** up and stops paying their share or moves out before the lease is up, you're short on the bills. Then if you get evicted or something has to go to collections, that shit goes on YOUR credit report. I know putting bills in your name as a young adult is supposed to be good for your credit, but IMO there are better and safer ways to build it up.

What I was saying is that chances are, Op already has their name on them. In that instance, OP must not rely on others because op is held accountable... I agree with you 100% though..

It kinda sounds like the roommate that left's name is on it, which is why he collect the money from the others and was the one paying the bills.

Was someone hiding the bills or stealing your mail? I'm trying to work out how you got into this situation to start with. Surely you can't go three months without wondering why there have been no electricity bills.

Sometimes they are paperless. When I was roommating our cable, electric, and water bill all were paperless, so we didn't get mail for it. We trusted our roommate who was in charge of them (all 4 of us) and luckily he had roommates before who pulled the same shit OP's roommate did, so he avidly collected and updated us on bills

I think the FML is that OP and the other roommate *were* giving money for the bills to the third roommate every month--who turned out to be pocketing their money instead of using it to pay the bills.

#49 has it. We had split the bills between the three of us, with our own names on each thing. Roommate number 3 was just not paying her share.

I live alone and do not suffer from incompetent room mates.

Same here and it is sooooooooo niiccee!

gintwinsmoore 20

#10, you made the same comment below as #13 and you were downed for it there. And I pretty much made the same comment as #31 just said here and I was downed for it. Why are these people sooo wishy-washy on this site???

ColonelCusswords 24

Id ditch the sinking ship too, i aint drownin with everyone else