By Werner - 02/03/2009 21:04 - United States

Today, I came home after a party to my parents, who confronted me. They said that my phone had made a pocket call to them and they heard a good half hour of people talking about drugs and alcohol. I confessed at that point. I checked my phone after. I hadn't called them in 3 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 659
You deserved it 67 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LittleMissMack 0

Your fault. Deny, deny, deny. And in the process look at your phone.

3 days!? You should call your mom more... she worries about you.


You're an idiot, and your parents are ******* douchebags.

BAHAHA. that happened to me once. I called my friend by accident and she heard like 10 minutes of a convo. I would've been like what??? and then went to check my phone and came back and be like what are you talking about? lol.

AlmostHuman123 0

OOOOOHHHH! Burnnnn! THAT SUCKS MANN! You should've checked that phone first!

That's a good, honest trick, don't be pissed because you fell for it. Invest in a flip phone because those don't make pocket calls

SilverMyst787 0

PWNED!!!!! lol your parents r smart. And boy does it suck to be you

necomni 0

Ouch, they got you there. :)