By Werner - 02/03/2009 21:04 - United States

Today, I came home after a party to my parents, who confronted me. They said that my phone had made a pocket call to them and they heard a good half hour of people talking about drugs and alcohol. I confessed at that point. I checked my phone after. I hadn't called them in 3 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 659
You deserved it 67 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LittleMissMack 0

Your fault. Deny, deny, deny. And in the process look at your phone.

3 days!? You should call your mom more... she worries about you.


npk88 0

don't be a loser drunk and you won't have these problems

ilovekittens 0

Gahhh my dad does the same thing! Manipulative bastards.

deny deny deny... even now... you can say... it wasn't me.

00Problematic00 0

You've gotta hand it to your parents for being a great deal smarter than you. At least you're not one of the FML's with one of the really stupid moms.

They got you good. This reminded me of when I accidentally pocket called my dad when we were talking about pot. I called him back and told him that I did it on purpose to **** with him. *phew*. But don't let anyone tell you what to think or do. I personally believe that college is the testing grounds to do whatever you want to until you have to straighten out for the real world.

better yet... the lesson that... perhaps drugs aren't the answer to having a good time? and obviously your parents knew regardless of the "phone story" and sure some people will say "go ahead do whatever you want" but they're not the ones who'll be bailing you out if you get arrested either, or helping you out if all the "experimentation" screws things up for you. Most likely that'll be your parents... so it's best to listen to the people who actually care what happens to you, instead of everyone else. Besides... college = experimentation? Depends who's paying for the tuition...