By worstfatherever - 10/07/2011 20:54 - United States

Today, I came home after having traveled abroad for the last two months. Before I left, I'd asked my dad to take care of my fish, and he promised they'd be safe with him. I found them all decomposing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 035
You deserved it 3 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Shainaxx 4

Poor fishes....... :( f your life.

yougotapes 7

aww it's sad that happened to me once but instead it was my pet duck :(

christiandabeast 0

Your fish are decomposing, and you're "worstfatherever"? Get a grip.

icefshng8 9

some fish may survive in bowls such as netted and paradise gourmis, but considering that OP said fishes, and neither of these fish should be kept communally, they were obviously in a tank.

people who care about fish do. fish can cost up to the thousands to buy and caring for it costs a bunch too. just because you can't touch it, hug it or play with it doesn't mean you can't love it.

you should have just put dorritos in the bowl.