By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 00:09 - United States - Green Bay

Today, I came home and saw my cat all snuggled up with another cat on the sofa. I thought it was the cutest thing ever, until I remembered that I only have one cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 520
You deserved it 5 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I guess you dont have one cat anymore.

markcallanan_ 20

That reminds me of the time a stray cat walked into my friends house and we gave him milk. He stayed there for 7 months. Haha.


When I used to work at Dairy Queen the first time I closed I accidentally let in a stray cat. The next day when we opened we found sprinkles everywhere and saw that the kitty had chewed through a carton of crunch cone sprinkles. For obvious reasons I named him Crunch Cone. Occasionally he would visit me and he would just lay in the shade in the middle of the drive-thru. Sometimes people would honk at him to move and he would just ignore them and continue to sit there. I'm not a fan of cats but I loved that little guy. :')

Check to make sure they aren't just visiting from another house, but otherwise, congrats! I have three, but sadly they don't like each other. :(

I don't understand why this is a bad thing.

It's a spare in case something happens to the first one. consider it a backup copy. However, if you end up with more you'll need to start keeping track. You'd need a catalog of some sort.