By kansah - 06/10/2011 10:11 - Australia

Today, I came home from school and found my mother singing along to her latest investment, a compilation CD filled with heavy metal covers of ABBA classics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 002
You deserved it 3 684

kansah tells us more.

I am just going to make it clear, if the covers were decent I would be able to tolerate them and give my mum credit for having such excellent taste in music, however the covers are utterly horrible.

Top comments

That might be the most badass thing i have ever heard.


sammydodger1995 2

The band are called, 'The Black Sweden' They are amazing!!

MsMeiriona 2

This sounds awesome on so many levels. Where can I buy a copy?

I loathe ABBA. Loathe loathe LOATHE. And whilst heavy metal versions might be an improvement, it would be "hate" rather than "loathe".

perdix 29

I've been saying for years that "Take a Chance on Me" contained subliminal messages, and now your mom has caved in to them. I hope that she wasn't also duped by "Winner Takes It All" and risked her whole portfolio on that. If it fails, you might have to pay for college by being a "Dancing Queen."

whats wrong with that? nothing, thats what.

@ OP -- ABBA is classic, can be good; heavy metal can be good. Together? ...Well, I searched for a couple of such covers and liked what I heard. You might have different tastes, OP, but IMHO, that's...kinda awesome [on your mom's part]. :D I'd be pretty stoked too (@ #4) if either of my parents did that. :P