By Anonymous - 16/11/2010 06:34 - Netherlands

Today, I came home sick. After a while I received a text message. I thought it was a sweet 'how are you baby?' from my boyfriend. It wasn't. He sent: 'Hey, I'm going to work now. Please do not disturb. Thank you!' FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 067
You deserved it 5 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

Oh my GOD. You received a polite text message from your boyfriend that indicated he was busy at work?! DUMP THE BASTARD ALL MEN ARE BASTARDS

get over it you emotional bitch he has a job, stop nagging him. im sick of FML's that are just boyfriends doing normal things. how about he quits his job and you pay for all his stuff then you can nag him all day long. geeez


At least he still use "please" and "thank you" ! :) get well soon op!


Asstastic4 0

OMFG!!!! Now the world is gonna explode.

get over it you emotional bitch he has a job, stop nagging him. im sick of FML's that are just boyfriends doing normal things. how about he quits his job and you pay for all his stuff then you can nag him all day long. geeez

ulicksam 0

Seriously. "I asked my boyfriend a question and he answered it. FML" or "My boyfreind doesn't like it when I nag him at work. FML". WTF and YDI.

lidemocr 0

so? do you like to be disturbed when you are concentrating on something? you are way too sensitive OP

lidemocr 0

but he's working... sometimes people can't be disturbed at work. say he's a er doctor or a air traffic controller... it's possible

I hope the sickness you came home with is something serious.

so? he could be just saying he's going to work and can't reply or whatever so not to bother texting him, or maybe his polite-ness is a secret sign that he's cheating you and wants to dump you! you shouldn't jump to conclusions and it sounds like you needa give him some space.

I often have "do not disturb" days at my job - meetings, training sessions, etc. For her to think he was checking on her means she already let him know she went home sick. She could be the type of person that made a "I'm sick" call, a "Do you think I should go home call?", and a "I'm going home" call. Even if it was just the last one and it came at a bad time, he may be justified in politely asking her not to call again. OP, if you are not hospital-bound, it's fine if he is treating his job as slightly more serious than his condition. When he is off work, he should show you some care.

sevans 0

it doesn't mean he's cheating I tell my gf not to disturb me while I'm at work simply cause I don't need any distractions especially with my crazy GM. stop assuming the worse all the time.