By Anonymous - 16/11/2010 06:34 - Netherlands

Today, I came home sick. After a while I received a text message. I thought it was a sweet 'how are you baby?' from my boyfriend. It wasn't. He sent: 'Hey, I'm going to work now. Please do not disturb. Thank you!' FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 067
You deserved it 5 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

Oh my GOD. You received a polite text message from your boyfriend that indicated he was busy at work?! DUMP THE BASTARD ALL MEN ARE BASTARDS

get over it you emotional bitch he has a job, stop nagging him. im sick of FML's that are just boyfriends doing normal things. how about he quits his job and you pay for all his stuff then you can nag him all day long. geeez


So basically you didn't get the answer you wanted so you're going to complain about it? He probably has something important to do and can't have you giving him updates on how you feel every 10 minutes....

Yes, because there can't be any other possible reason for that behavior.

RedPillSucks 31

Going to work is code for "Plowing the field".. nowaddamean?

RedPillSucks 31

I like "in" better. Interesting imagery....

RedPillSucks 31

Unless you guys are living together it may be that he didn't know you were sick. Did you actually tell him or were you expecting him to be a mind reader?

Zombie65 0

first how would he know you came home sick? if you lived together he wouldn't have sent the text. you didn't say you told him you were sick so we can only assume he didn't know which means he wouldn't have sent a "hope you feel better" text. then if he did send a text that said 'do not disturb' that tells us you are constantly bother the guy at work with your texting I'm surprised he is even still employed. from personal experience I'd be willing to bet most of the text are BS small talk junk that could have and should have waited YDI

rockyraccoon28 8

nothing about this FML implies that OP lived with her boyfriend, and by the looks of things, she's the type of person that sends texts narrating her every move. otherwise her boyfriend is just dumb for telling her to not disturb for no reason.

yeh what these two people said.. this FML gives that impression (appart from the living together bit)

Quest_ 13

Oh my GOD. You received a polite text message from your boyfriend that indicated he was busy at work?! DUMP THE BASTARD ALL MEN ARE BASTARDS

The sad part is, it took me a full second to decide if this was a joke comment or not. Yes, FML comments are really that bad.

SmallTownCutie 0