By kittyd - 28/01/2011 05:24 - United States

Today, I came home to find a note on my door. I thought it was from my elderly disabled neighbors thanking me for cleaning off their snow covered car, since about 6 inches came down. It was from them, only it said I owed them for damages to their car. Damages that were already there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 619
You deserved it 3 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments


sunshinesmile86 0

man old people don't see the good things people do for them

What about if she did ask them and they sent someone to tape the note since they're disabled? And maybe they're senile? My grandma rammed the back of her truck into the garage door and left a dent and whenever I borrow the truck and give it back she blames the dent on me so I know how you feel OP.

What about if she did ask them and they sent someone to tape the note since they're disabled? And maybe they're senile? My grandma rammed the back of her truck into the garage door and left a dent and whenever I borrow the truck and give it back she blames the dent on me so I know how you feel OP.

varkey 7

well, they have no case, but FYL anyways for getting screwed for doing a good thing

android360 0

Lolz FYL because you helped ungrateful old people. and YDI because you expected something in return of a good deed.

that's terrible. you help someone out, and they take advantage of you

All senior citizens should wear life alert

Trooth 13

people are so ungrateful nowadays...

Dino33mite 0

this is why I don't trust the eldery