By wheresthelove - 30/12/2009 05:03 - United States

Today, I came home to find my Dad cheating on his new wife of six weeks. With my own mother who was supposedly dating "a real catch". Should I be happy that my parents love each other or pissed off that they're both whores? I can't decide. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 026
You deserved it 3 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dude that really sucks I'm sorry to hear it

that's screwed, sorry to hear that. Confront ur parents, they loved each other once maybe they still have feelings for one another... Go to councelling so you don't end up screwed in the head


perdix 29

Where's the option for "thrilled about the double-blackmail-financed shopping spree you are about to go on?" You've got the good on both Mom AND Dad and you know the identity of the other woman/man in both cases. You should be hauling hush money away in wheelbarrows. Merry Belated Xmas!

EmMaz9457 0

were ur dad and mom divorced? if so then mayb theyll get back together! that would b good

lauripple 0

yeah this sounds a ton like that movie - which I saw the other day. But this does happen, I'm guessing.

jakeidk 0
Stang4life 0

wow you will probably be suprised that you are not the only person in the world who has seen the movie "it's complicated"!! therefore this is FAKE and you are a LIAR!!! YDI for being a dumbass!

It's happy but sad that they'd cheat like that. Why not get back together? You should ask them