By anonymous - 14/01/2012 11:42 - Australia

Today, I came home to my fiancé and his mates playing Monopoly naked in our backyard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 677
You deserved it 3 646

Same thing different taste

Top comments


He was playing Monopoly not Hide The Bologna, idiot. Being naked with men is not gay. Get your head out of your ass.

Wolvy_fml 3

That's awesome, ask if you can join. Nothing beats watching Deadliest Catch naked though..

What a stupid, pointless comment.. Men are naked together ALL the time.

xxmel 6

No one else plays Monopoly naked ? Oh ..

btstig 11

You're 17. You shouldn't be playing anything naked. Go study.

Nothing beats the thrill of Naked Candy Land.

You're right, that's insane! Who plays monopoly naked without wearing a monocle and top hat? How absurd.

btstig 11

Every time I read one of your comments. I do so with Stewie's voice in my head.