By MonCoiffeurAdoré - 28/06/2012 02:43
Top comments
Complain to the manager and get something free! :D
What an asshole, the haircut should be free with included apology an extra hair wash. Thats just disgusting and rude.
The stylist is a man.
17- are you American? Because in France we don't sue for every little thing that happen to us. ( OP is apparently French).
Someone spitting on you isn't a little thing and worth a bit more than a free haircut
We got the same flm a week or two in the French version... So I'm guessing OP's French but you're right I might be wrong.
#44: No but the "Translated from the french version of FML. Bon appétit!" mention prolly implies OP is actually French, as 99% of the users of the french version are french... And #41 is right, the "suing" thing is something very specific to the US. Spitting on someone would be qualified as an assault or something similar by French laws, but no one would actually sue someone here for something that "little", nor would it be easy to get the employee fired (it's the customer's word against the employee's...)
Am I the only one that is reading the French people, or French wannabes insulting us and saying we sue for every little thing? If you have nothing better to do than insulting America, please stay on the French site. Spitting on someone here ( and there) is assault. Assault by any means in not a "little thing" i would rather be punched in the face then be spit on. I guess Americans are just more up for defending themselves and their rights than the French.
I'm sorry if you would just smile and say " oo la la" and rub the spit into your hair and give them a sultry smirk and say " wee wee?" that is not how we would respond
The typical American only talks about suing someone and in reality we usually only sue people over thefts, assaults, and car accidents if it's bad enough. Every once in a while you will see someone abuse the system but that is the minority.
100- *oui oui
You're bitching about people stereotyping Americans, then you potentially stereotype the French ("you French") based on this one person's comment? I'm loving the hypocrisy here, ********.
MetalxSoldier- Ummm, what? I'm curious as to how that even begins to cross your mind?
Time for a new stylist OP!
Here's a tip! (Reaches into pocket, then hesitates). Oh wait a sec. (Spits in the tip jar). xP
As a matter of fact, in France (the FML is translated from the french version of the website), we do not tip hair stylists. Ever. And we don't sue people for this kind of things either. Nor is it possible to have someone fired just by complaining to their boss. Actually, I don't think you do any of these things anywhere but in the US, do you? The only option left was basically to beat the shit out of the stylist and to make a huge scene so everyone knows. That might be what OP did!
Ya, that and someone is getting sued!
You have one generous stylist. Everyone knows spits good for the scalp!
Spit in his face, that should make you even
Umm, in this case, it's okay to spit wherever OP pleases.
Pimp slap!
What??? What does this mean???
Pimp Slap: To slap a hoe across the face with the back of the hand so pimp rings leave a lasting imprint
wow what a dumbass! as if you're not going to see that in the mirror
You should've caught it on film. Then squeeze every dollar possible out of them.
Yeah OP just carry around a video camera or have your finger poised over the record button on your iPhone always- just in case someone does something awful to you! How exactly do you propose they would've caught it on camera? Forgive me but I certainly would not have been thinking to get it on camera if someone was spitting on my head, I'd be winding up my punching arm.
Lol well of course not that way, but I was assuming that perhaps they would do it more than once. I for one, after seeing the first time they spit in my hair, would whip out my cellphone and have it ready for if they tried to do it again. But yeah either way I would also be ready to kick some ass haha Or, yeah, security cameras are an option as well :3
Other than the lack of a space between "need" and "a" there was nothing wrong. I'm assuming that "ö" was a single character version of ":O" Don't be a douche.
Ö Ü .... I like that!!

Complain to the manager and get something free! :D
Someone is not getting a tip