By MonCoiffeurAdoré - 28/06/2012 02:43
Top comments
Wow. Unsanitary. And that's a big health issue. If you have a cut on your scalp and your stylist has any sort of disease that can spread through body fluids, like aids, then it could have been passed to you. Sorry that happened OP, definitely talk to a manager about that.
Number 25, aids cannot be spread though saliva. Saliva actually kills the aids bacteria.
Not to mention there was shampoo in the hair......
So aids can get spread through spit? I think not, otherwise, we couldn't even make out with someone who has aids. That's just stupid.
Well sucks that they lost your business and good money.
I would have pretended not to notice. then when he was all done I would have asked to speak to his manager and then he would get fired and the hair cut would be free. plus, I'm sure he would gave given you some free hair products to take gone or something, or would at least give you a discount on your next hair cut, if you were brave enough to return anyway.
Alpaca moment!!
You should have also made his colleague laugh by spitting back at his face.
No, that's just your shitty comment you smell. Common mistake.
Dats so fanny hhehe lelele
Complain to the manager and get something free! :D
Someone is not getting a tip