By DaveAlmighty - 02/07/2009 07:22 - United States

Today, I caught some perverts sitting in a car in front of my house, spying on my neighbors. When they refused to leave, I grabbed a baseball bat and they sped off in a hurry. Later, those same perverts came back to arrest my neighbors for drug trafficking. I had threatened cops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 218
You deserved it 12 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You had no way of knowing if they were doing their job right. FYL

kath91 0

You weren't to know, if they were sitting in front of your house they deserved it.


peanut_gallery 2

I'm surprised you weren't arrested.

noName123456 0

especially in such a liberal state as california

Actually, I don't think the cops could have done anything if they were being suspicious. Thanks to George Bush, if you see someone suspicious, you can do all kinds of illegal stuff. And while you might still get in trouble, if they look remotely Muslim, you can get away with anything. Hooray for racist governments!

Hey genius, we all know that. It's called making a joke.

Wow, you're an idiot. George Bush has nothing to do with the actions taken in this story. You're probably one of those people who blames Bush for every shortcoming in your life.

fxdxhk90 0

You did the right thing, you shouldn't feel bad. Instead of being a pussy, you fought back when something seemed wrong, there is no reason to feel ashamed about that. The cops haven't arrested you, so I assume they understand your intentions.

lastminuteperm 0

This is so fake. They would have showed you ID and they would be in a crusier.

christopherlove 0

#91, you fail to understand how undercover stakeouts work.

christopherlove 0

Even if you knew they were cops, you did the right thing.

Mulada 0

I agree. I don't mind that people have their opinions about Bush, but geez! People are willing to kill off Captain America to say "I hate Bush" (True story)

#4 is it really that fun to be a total douch? otherwise I can't understand why people like you are so persistant. the patriot act is for terrorists, just because they are usually Muslim doesn't meen it's against Muslims, there just aren't that many people except them who do as much terror. P. S. if a law allows something, it's not illegal.

snavula 0

The PATRIOT act was devised to literally take our civil liberties away. If you look at recent American history, in terms of WWI and on, you can see that we have been duped, like most dictatorships, at every instance. The fact of the matter is is that there are no terrorists but rather that is the image created to keep fear in a society. Al Qaeda does not exist. Muslims do not hate America. There are very few, if any, Muslim extremists that would want to do harm to America and they are no more or less dangerous than they have always been. Don't believe me? Then ask yourself why it has been almost 8 years and we have gotten nowhere to catching the criminals responsible for 9/11? Where exactly were the links to Saddam Hussein? WMDs? You mean the ones we sold to him? We didn't find them? Oh, perhaps its because he used them already. Duh. If you honestly believe that 9/11 was done by anyone other than US Government agents. You are simply misinformed. There is way too much evidence to refute the terrorist theory that it blows my mind the world hardly cares..

milgalo 0

Hahaha, it's all a governmental ploy, of course. Oh dear. xD The reason we're fighting terrorism is because we don't want it to happen again - the fact that it hasn't happened in so long is a GREAT thing, we don't need to take our chances. "No terrorists." That's why we got terrorists in the first place - we let our guard down, and they took advantage of it. Why the hell would the government try to kill thousands of people? What PURPOSE would it serve? "Yes, mhm, mhm. We know - we'll get tons of money from having people wait forever in airports~!" It's like the back workings of a school, or any workplace. You only notice something's wrong when something bad happens, and otherwise you expect it all to go smoothly. I want there to be no terrorism 100% of te time, because who knows? Maybe it'll be you, me or any one close to us. Augh.

snavula 0

Most if not all terrorism attacks have been self-induced. And by that I mean the country's own government. I would advise you to look up the London train bombings of 2005 and see who exactly committed those crimes. What would the government have to gain from it? Let me be clear though, its not the government as a whole but rather the people in the pockets of those that create money. The answer is obvious. WE wouldn't get the money but the people who literally create money, will profit. The longer a 'war' is sustained, the more money the government borrows from the Federal Reserve. Neither the government nor the people own this Federal Reserve so someone has to own the bank right? They make money and loan it to the government. If all money is created on loan set with interest, which it is, then we are always in perpetual debt to those who create the actual money. We don't make a cent off of the wars but somebody does, thats for damn sure. As you can see, all you have to do is slap a generic face on an enemy and thus you have a war which we'll never technically win. Vietnam it was the Communists don't you see? History repeats itself over and over. Just look at the facts. On a side note I respect the troops and never in my explanation implied that what they're doing is wrong. They are following orders in this war and its not their fault.

milgalo 0

I agree that there are definitely PEOPLE in the government who gain from things like that, but I doubt they would something like 9/11. I don't necessarily agree with the war, either. Yay for troops! :]

snavula 0

When you control a nation's money supply, you can do anything. As history shows, money trumps morals all day every day. Take a gander at oil company's profits right around war-time since WWI. And don't forget Afghanistan/Iraq came shortly after 9/11 we just needed an excuse! The Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, and now 9/11. I'm sorry but 9/11 was NOT done by Islamic terrorists. It just serves to further isolate us.