By Noname - 14/03/2009 18:22 - United States

Today, I checked my Facebook to find I had been tagged in a bunch of photos from a party I had attended last night. On each picture I had a comment from my mom saying, "You're grounded." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 041
You deserved it 82 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shallowsmile 0

this is why you DON'T accept friend requests from your parents.

_Elizabeth_ 0

Hahahahaha. What's up with parents having facebooks???


Mademoiselle_fml 34

That's why I hate having family as friends on facebook. :/

BriZanna33 2

This is why I don't have a facebook and why my boyfriend didn't use his anymore. His mom goes and adds all him and his sisters friends and is constantly on Facebook looking through all their friends's weird man.. This is also why I have a twitter, my mom will never be able to figure it out...bahaha!

Kapoopa24 0

Parents suck and just refuse to let kids have fun. They're too depressed about their own sad lives they take it out on their children

Some parents make it a have to or else deal. What can u do?