By Noname - 14/03/2009 18:22 - United States

Today, I checked my Facebook to find I had been tagged in a bunch of photos from a party I had attended last night. On each picture I had a comment from my mom saying, "You're grounded." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 041
You deserved it 82 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shallowsmile 0

this is why you DON'T accept friend requests from your parents.

_Elizabeth_ 0

Hahahahaha. What's up with parents having facebooks???


This is the reason I don't let my friends post incriminating photos on Facebook at least not with me tagged in them. It is also the reason that I will NEVER EVER approve a friend request from any of my parents or their friends.

thats pretty much ****** up... Thats why i don't let my mom use a pc ;)

The_Suit_Guy 0

And that's why you don't add family on Facebook

may_cause_fail 0

...Can't 95% come up with anything better than "AND THATS Y U DONT ADD UR FAMBLYZ ON FACEBOOK LOL" or "USE UR PRIVASY SETTINGZ"? Seriously. After about five times, the OP (and anyone reading comments) gets tired of it pretty quick. That aside, I definitely agree with those who have said that you shouldn't put anything you don't want family seeing on the internet...or better yet, don't put yourself in compromising situations like that. Seriously, is it that hard to control yourself in public?

xO_starstruck_xO 0

LMAO imagine getting like 50 notifications and all of them saying your grounded by your mom! thank you you've just been added to my favorites(:

kennington 0

thats why socail net working sites are for friends, not family!!

Why would you add your mom to facebook friends?

#129, it's mor often the mom who adds you, and if you don't accept she gets more and more suspicios and after a while, it's sooo much worse than it was in the beggining.

HAHAHAH!! My dad called me in once, to have a "talk" about the semi-blaspehmous comment i made on my sisters picture. Then i figured out how to block my parents from seeing stuff. Unfortunately i didnt know you could block people until after I stupidly added my youth pastor, who publicly commented on a conversation i had on my status, telling me to"be careful about the things i write online" and to "tell my parents about the conversation before he does" (It wasnt even that bad..we were joking about a friend of ours being lame cause he missed a party due to saving kids in russia) He then printed it out, to hold against me. And i had to apologize before he talked to my parents, cause they didnt want to be whined at (they didnt care. hahah) gah...I hate adultss who think kids shouldnt have any privacy.

Would you please stop posting on failblog. You're obviously a complete idiot, seeing as you dyed your grandmother's/sister's wedding dress green for St. Patrick's Day.