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By that1guy - 14/03/2009 18:25 - United States

Today, my girlfriend, who I've been dating for over a year, was going to Florida for a short trip with a few friends without me since I couldn't get work off. She asked me to put her iPod in her bag for her as she was almost ready to walk out the door. That's when I saw she'd packed 10 condoms with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 116 017
You deserved it 6 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FrostyNorth 0

So? Maybe she packed them for a friend... OK, no, you're f***ed. I hope you at least got a chance to poke some holes in them.

chiaro 0

yeah that's really ****** up. in response to #1, you might not want to poke holes in them unless you leave her before she becomes pregnant


FrostyNorth 0

So? Maybe she packed them for a friend... OK, no, you're f***ed. I hope you at least got a chance to poke some holes in them.

DisappearingRose 18

Haha, that's a great way for revenge. I would do that to my cheating girlfriend if I was a guy.

Rammer3500 23

Actually, the girlfriends f*cked

gatorgirl7563 22

Poking holes in them isn't right, OP, being a parent is a serious commitment!!!! but cheating isn't right, either. So what you do is poke holes in them and use an eyedropper or needle-less syringe or turkey baster syringe to put a few drops of hot sauce in each one. That way, you painfully punish her, interrupt the sex AND don't risk making an unwanted baby.

gatorgirl7563 22

children deserve better than that. So... poke holes and leak hot sauce into them. They'll be in too much pain to finish, so much less risk of a pregnancy, and the painful rash will last for the rest of her vacation. Then dump her tender, red, burning ass when she gets home.

chiaro 0

yeah that's really ****** up. in response to #1, you might not want to poke holes in them unless you leave her before she becomes pregnant

Well I'd think this is a good thing, now you know to dump her ass.

shayansh 0

Ouch, that sucks... #1, if he poked some holes in them, it would cause many many many more problems for him for at least 9 months.

Nah, a simple dna test would suffice. Still I wouldn't poke holes, just take them out of the bag, then dump her when she comes back.


#4, how would poking holes effect him?

he wouldn't be doing the impregnating if he was not in Florida withe the 10 condoms

It's a revenge thing. He would poke holes in them and leave her.

She might have been messing with you. There's no way she really expected to use all ten in a few days. Unless she also brought "toys." It's advised to use condoms with those, you know.

Rawr0_oRawr0_o 0

#6 do you use sex toys cause how else would you know

I'm sure she does...doesn't every girl??

lol dont kid yourself it is quite possible to use 10 if you have enough sex drive 10 might not be enough lol

jaytee1994 9

Your stupid!! She's clearly going to be having SEX at lest 10 times. And I'm sure that they will be there for at lest a week!

shayansh 0

#5, she is gonna tell you that the kid is yours. And if she decides to keep it, you have to wait for 9 months before you can do a test and be offically sure. And until 9 months you will always have that little feeling, it might be yours.

but if you poke a hole in it when she uses it with sum1 else wen shes in florida it not his , is ?

You don't have to wait an entire nine months. You can get a paternity test :) although she may refuse to get one

gatorgirl7563 22

would you really want to have a child with a dishonest woman who couldn't be faithful and who you couldn't trust? NO. The holes are so that one of her one night stands get her pregnant and then she is stuck as a single mother with her baby daddy -- if she can even remember enough about him to identify him for paternity court -- many states away. Which is horrible to do to anyone, even a cheater. children deserve better than that. So... poke holes and leak hot sauce into them. They'll be in too much pain to finish, so much less risk of a pregnancy, and the painful rash will last for the rest of her vacation. Then dump her tender, red, burning ass when she gets home.

tomorrowbroadway 0

I think she wanted you to know. I'd like to think that nobody could be stupid enough to forget that they packed condoms to cheat on their s.o. Of course, I've been told that I overestimate the intelligence of the human race, so take that for what it's worth... :


#7, hehehe.... not unless he decides to have sex w/ her after that. but I just don't see it happening.