By Noname - 14/03/2009 18:22 - United States

Today, I checked my Facebook to find I had been tagged in a bunch of photos from a party I had attended last night. On each picture I had a comment from my mom saying, "You're grounded." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 041
You deserved it 82 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shallowsmile 0

this is why you DON'T accept friend requests from your parents.

_Elizabeth_ 0

Hahahahaha. What's up with parents having facebooks???


Lucky for me, my mom doesnt have a fb....fml bc my mother in law has one and requested me. I had to approve it since she kept whining to my husband about it.

And this is why you don't add your parents on Facebook!

Thats why ur not suppose to add ur parents on facebook.....

How old are you if your mum grounds you for going to a party? If you're not allowed to go to a party; you're not old enough. Go back to school !

What is it with people on here? There's nothing wrong with having your mom on Facebook. Some people actually have a good relationship with their parents. I have all my family added on Facebook and never had any trouble with it. Before you start bitching about your moms, think about who painfully pushed you out of their ****** and who, in most cases anyway, raised you, provided and cared for you. Now quit being little brats and tell your mom you love her.

Nice! That's what you get for friending family.