By resurrected - 04/09/2013 15:59 - United Kingdom - Worthing

Today, I collected my new timetable at college only to find I've been dropped from all my classes. I've been listed as deceased. I'm definitely not dead and have no idea how I supposedly died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 102
You deserved it 2 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's going to be okay OP's ghost. You're in a confusing point in your afterlife. You lived a good life though.


icepick23 12

How do you know? What if you are? This gives me the shivers!

Seriously, go into the registrar's office and tell them that the rumors of your death have been greatly exaggerated. Hopefully they'll get it sorted soon enough.

Honestly? It's because you've moved at some point in your life, and didn't change your address, and the people now living in your old home got sick of getting your mail and wrote "deceased" on the envelope and sent it back to the sender. My mom does it all the time when she gets previous home-owners mail.

This is very disturbing. Maybe you're a ghost.

Oh, so you're trying out for the prequel to "The Sixth Sense". Well, keep at it, and one day, you'll get there!

Perhaps you should check out vsauce's youtube vid; How do people dissapear

Just give administration a visit, and ask why they presumed you to be dead, and how try think you supposedly died.

Say that you are the new messiah and demand that they name the school after you.