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By ihatecats - 01/12/2009 07:05 - United States

Today, I heard my cat climbing on the counters in the kitchen. To prevent a tremendous avalanche of dishes, I picked up the cat and put it outside. She got scared from the blinds and scurried away leaving deep scratches across my nipple. I wasn't wearing a shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 180
You deserved it 16 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments


now what did we learn from this? maybe stop playin with your "cat" in the nude

I hear cabinets are nice places to keep dishes. Plus, the cats I know seldom knock things over. I've never met an evil cat in my life. In my experience, the people who call cats evil are the ones who harass them then complain when they get scratched.


You, stickwoman, are what we refer to as a troll. last FML, you were on there saying, "Am I second?" Now, here you are saying "First." Nobody gives a F**K. You only serve to make yourself look like the troll you are.

zippit09 0

Actually, that's not what a troll does. Its still a pretty pointless thing to be doing though.

And are you someone who replies to the first comment just to be on top?

huskycheer2015 0
septemberlovebug 0

Apparently, wordgirl, you do care when people do that.. Otherwise, you wouldn't waste your time complaining about it, now would you? I think not...

I was saying that I don't care that she's first. Nobody cares that she's "first." Learn to read for content. It can be a real advantage in life.

eezoo07 0

You're all what the rest of normal society call TOOLS. Do you sit on FML all day just to make sure you have the 'first' comment or comment on top so someone will pay attention to you? It's okay that your mothers' didn't love you, there are other internet-obsessed, convention attending people with whom you can associate yourselves. Go to a bar, meet someone, and try to salvage what is left of your pathetically deteriorate lives.

you realize you are the only one being a troll here

Lol, 72 doesn't know what a tool means

Okie7123 0

I fail to see why the shirt not being on was worth mentioning after he just told us his nipple got cut badly...

youthink_fml 0

Cats suck and it sounds scummy to have so many dishes on the counter so YDI.

Ouch. My cat's favorite past-time is to lurk in the hallway at night, and scratch my legs as I go to the toilet. Cats are EVIL


now what did we learn from this? maybe stop playin with your "cat" in the nude

Op could have been male, and most guys after a long day take their shirts off.

I hear cabinets are nice places to keep dishes. Plus, the cats I know seldom knock things over. I've never met an evil cat in my life. In my experience, the people who call cats evil are the ones who harass them then complain when they get scratched.

youthink_fml 0

They're not evil, just stupid. You can't teach a cat anything, including to stay off the counter.

uhm it's called drying dishes on the counter. duh

floopyears7 0

wait r u a guy or girl? and why dont u clean ur kitchen once in a while

boatkicker 4

Maybe they were clean dishes? I dunno. I know some people keep their dishes on their counter because of a lack of cabinet space.

Ow, that has definitely got to hurt! My cat scratched me in panick too when we had a house guest, but t-shirts FTW!

How do you make a cat go woof? Cover it in petrol and throw a lit match at it.

How do you make a dog go meeeeeeooooooww? Stick it in the freezer and then run him through a bandsaw!

Mads_1234 28

What the hell? That's terrible! I hope neither of you have pets.