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Congratulations, you played yourself!

By JulesRules - 30/09/2024 22:00 - United States - Portland

Today, I was at a family gathering when my aunt asked me if I was seeing anyone special. In a tired and sarcastic tone, I jokingly said, “I’m actually getting married next month!” The room went silent, then some of them cheered. I had to explain I was kidding, but now they’re looking forward to a wedding I didn’t agree to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 134
You deserved it 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GoogieWithers 22

Marry yourself. An excuse to throw a massive party.

There is a difference between sarcasm and stupidity. I see OP did not choose wisely.


Congratulation! Hope you both (not sure who the other person is) happy life together!

GoogieWithers 22

Marry yourself. An excuse to throw a massive party.

There is a difference between sarcasm and stupidity. I see OP did not choose wisely.