This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Banana - 07/09/2017 15:01 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, I confessed my love to my work colleague who had cheated on his girlfriend with me. Although they broke up months ago and he reciprocated feelings making me feel really special, I found out he had also been banging the only other female work colleague we had. Fml.
I agree, your life sucks 22
You deserved it 77

Top comments

-sigh- I don't usually say this, but the fact that you were knowingly the "other woman" would make this a YDI on it's own. The fact that you somehow thought that he would be loyal to you when he wasn't loyal to the girlfriend you KNEW he had is a special type of willful ignorance. You aren't going to find the right person to date if you are dating people that are adulterers. The fact that the two of you were coworkers is the just the stupidity icing on the **** up cake. Also, I suggest getting tested for STDs. If he's had three known partners I. That short a time period, he's probably had others you don't know about.


-sigh- I don't usually say this, but the fact that you were knowingly the "other woman" would make this a YDI on it's own. The fact that you somehow thought that he would be loyal to you when he wasn't loyal to the girlfriend you KNEW he had is a special type of willful ignorance. You aren't going to find the right person to date if you are dating people that are adulterers. The fact that the two of you were coworkers is the just the stupidity icing on the **** up cake. Also, I suggest getting tested for STDs. If he's had three known partners I. That short a time period, he's probably had others you don't know about.