By sad - 30/03/2012 22:21 - United Kingdom - Cardiff

Today, I confided to my dad that my girlfriend had dumped me for another guy. He said, "Good" and explained that given how overpopulated the planet is, he's actually disappointed that I'm not gay. His advice was, "Just wank it off and move on." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 642
You deserved it 3 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think your dad is trying to tell you something. What that something is I don't know.

Thats every gay guy's dream dad right there.


Geeesh! Your Dad is definitely a winner... NOT! Fyl OP but seriously... There are plenty of other fish out there & the world is your ocean. Hopefully you get your dream catch.

Awww im sorry you got dumped. Im sure you'll find a great girl out there. If not though ur dad gave u some solid advice "just wank it off and move on" lol

scruffy_janitor5 1

At least you know he'd accept you if you were gay

That is the best advice a father can give nowadays!

Yes it is. It is very bad advice. Neo-Malthusian idiocy, the OP's father is an ignorant bigot who accepts at face value the lunatic wailing of environmentalists.

dominic1221 6

WRONG. His advice to move on was good. The overpopulation thing is a totally different ball game, bro. Chill out before you have a stroke.

In what way is that bright? It suggests he mindlessly follows ignorant, often hypocritical environmental campaigners .

Kov3nant 2

Your dad is right. there are way too many girls out there for you to worry about one who doesn't want you.