By sad - 30/03/2012 22:21 - United Kingdom - Cardiff

Today, I confided to my dad that my girlfriend had dumped me for another guy. He said, "Good" and explained that given how overpopulated the planet is, he's actually disappointed that I'm not gay. His advice was, "Just wank it off and move on." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 635
You deserved it 3 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think your dad is trying to tell you something. What that something is I don't know.

Thats every gay guy's dream dad right there.


Your dad was just trying to help lighten the mood/ your heart by cracking a joke. Go easy on him, it's a tough situation for someone to spring that up on you.

rogue2888 4

Mate your dad sounds like a real ****.

xplainphrox 8

If she left you, that means it weren't meant to be. Your dad is weird. No one should make fun of someone over their sexuality... Or breakups.... Personally - I say: give it time. Don't jump right back in!!! You don't want a rebound relationship, might not suck for you, but it would suck for whomever you end up on the rebound with!! But, personally - id pay ya dad back for the gay comments and pretend to date a dude to see his reaction... If you can handle a pretend private moment with "your man".... Suck face!! And make sure Daddy sees ya!!! But still pretend it's a private moment - like... Another room, but within view! Good luck to you!!

xStaciexLynnx 15

You give the worst advice EVER.

SayPeanuts 29

The dad didn't insult him or use being gay as an insult so why would the OP need to get back at him for it.

bertman21 5

That's pretty good advice for a gay father

Ins0mau 20

Yeah. 'cause relationships are solely about procreating and getting off. :/ *SARCASM TAG (for morons)*

SkittlesPhotos 0

That sucks! It's a little rude that your dad is disappointed that you're not gay.

schambers23 4

Tell me where your dad works so I can come and kick his a$$! Jagoff dads....