By sad - 30/03/2012 22:21 - United Kingdom - Cardiff

Today, I confided to my dad that my girlfriend had dumped me for another guy. He said, "Good" and explained that given how overpopulated the planet is, he's actually disappointed that I'm not gay. His advice was, "Just wank it off and move on." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 635
You deserved it 3 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think your dad is trying to tell you something. What that something is I don't know.

Thats every gay guy's dream dad right there.


jujubunni5 9

Do you really want to be with a girl who fancies other guys while she's with you? Better off without her and dad's advice. Have a couple drinks at the pub with your mates and then get back out there and meet a fabulous girl who will stay focused on you.

goddamniluvme 0

Lol u British ppl talk funny. "fancies, mates, and fabulous" u had this talk with ur dad to?

dominic1221 6

Threadjacking the 18th post? Now I've seen it all. Oops I meant, "u tlk pretteh fnny 2 liek a real tard boi lolz"

ManUrLifeSucks 1

Yeah... U got a great supporting father.. :/

loserboii 11

Either he had bad experience with women or he is just trying to put you down.

xXxIracebethxXx 14

Or maybe he has a sense of humor? But that's just me, I don't now if anyone else thought so, too.

zumiez069 5

That might be the firt dad that acually wants a gay son

xXxIracebethxXx 14

70 - Congrats, did you expect me to give a shit? Sadly, it disappeared a long, long, long time ago. Nice try, though. *pets head*

goddamniluvme 0

Wow... See that's why I choose not to talk to my dad. U never know what kinda shit is gonna spew out outta they're mouths.

He's glad you got dumped? He wanted a gay son? What a weird, possibly misanthropic dad...

mintstashinurtea 5

your father is a bright man, learn from him

jammy101 3

This by far my fav fml, fyl indeed!!!