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By Anonymous - 03/07/2014 04:53 - United States - Muncie

Today, I broke up with my girlfriend. After breaking the news to my parents, I heard my dad mutter when I left, "Damn it, I liked her better than him." My mother didn't protest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 691
You deserved it 13 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, nothing to say except your parents obviously have no respect for you and your supernatural hearing talents.

bethers_ 22

He will get over it, OP. Don't let him bring you down. You do what's best for you.


Well OP, Looks like you got 1-upped by the ex. Pass her up by doing chores and being nice?

What the heck? He broke up with her for a reason. He shouldn't have to suck up to her now just because his parents are rude and mean.

Crimson_Summer 10

#38. They were saying to do chores to 1-up the girlfriend, not suck up to her, just suck up to the parents. Get the parents to like him more than her.

More like "smh", parents shouldn't say stuff like that. They should lift their children up, not put them down. I'd be pissed if I heard my parents say that.

bethers_ 22

He will get over it, OP. Don't let him bring you down. You do what's best for you.

Maybe the dad knew OP was still within hearing range and just said this to mess with OP?

That sucks OP but many parents say things the don't mean. I am sure in a month or two they will forget about her.

SalsaVerdeDonut 22

Since his dad waited for him to leave to say that I'm assuming he probably meant it. It's okay though OP, I'm pretty sure my parents like my brother's girlfriend better than him. They still love him but they like her more.

Well, time for new parents. *puts clip into gun*

jad0016 12

Why would you even say that??

If you're going to murder your parents use gardening tools not a gun. Haven't you ever watched a CSI?

MzZombicidal 36

#39, your picture is the perfect worry face

Honestly, nothing to say except your parents obviously have no respect for you and your supernatural hearing talents.

ChristianH39 30

FYL OP, you don't have some good parents

Judging by your name, neither do you, Ronberg

You don't think so? I use my real name here, so maybe others do too.

Wait, 23, your real name is docbastard? (yes, I get that he doesn't mean his username)

llamarrama01 21

Maybe she didn't protest verbally, but gave him a look that said it all.

Sounds like you were dating out of your league, maybe you should rethink the break up.

popprock 13

What? You don't even know why he broke up with her and the parents could have said that for any reason. So just because you think she could've been "out of his league" means nothing.

Tell him you liked her more than him, but you see how that turned out...