By Lonely - 11/03/2010 12:16 - New Zealand

Today, I congratulated my friend for getting engaged. This is the fourth friend of mine this year that has become engaged. I haven't even had a boyfriend yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 115
You deserved it 5 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get a boyfriend when there's a boy or man in your life that you really really like. Don't do it just because everybody else does.

FMyLifeCereal 0

Maybe you just have higher standards


I think you just need to get naked more often, because that will solve everything!

icychill67 1

umm maybe u should stop complaining and get your ass in the dateing curb no to mean or anything

Intellectualist 0

@#131 I'm attractive enough to have a picture up, where is yours? Oh, right you don't have one. If I'm ugly, you're hideous :) Oh, and at least I can comment on here, and STILL get laid, and I've never had any complaints.

gamerchiq 0

I could easily post a picture of Chewbacca, and since I uploaded a picture, I'm attractive. amiright?

Intellectualist 0

Damn straight, chewbacca is a fine beast ;)

bflame6 0

who cares? they'll all just get divorced and bitch about it on here anyways, you're the smart one.

"you've no right to any kind of relationship whatsoever" That's a judgement based on a single post on FML, something you had just denounced in the SAME SENTENCE. My argument retains its validity.

brightred919 0

if you're upset about your dating life, then you should do something about it instead of feeling sorry for yourself. and you don't NEED a boyfriend anyway; appreciate the freedom of being single. besides, it's mostly the girls who don't need a guy who end up getting them.

CoolChik 5

Perhaps, instead you should try to go get a girlfriend...might have better luck.