By whyyjustwhy - 09/08/2013 17:23 - Estonia - Tallinn

Today, I copied some files to my phone while borrowing my grandfather's laptop. As I selectively deleted the files from the recycle bin, I noticed some pictures, and ended up seeing way more than I wanted to of his erect penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 023
You deserved it 9 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ninjaqueen101 18

That is why you don't snoop.. Or use your grandpa's computer.

If you can't tell what the picture is from the thumbnail - definitely don't double click it!


olpally 32

That's ****** up. Jesus. Start drinking vodka, now!

Spider_Web 11
olpally 32

Some people take my comments a little too literally.

I believe it's called (excuse me if I get this wrong), a "joke"

I bet you clicked the delete button real fast!! haha I would just delete everything no sense scarring yourself more...

slappygecko 21

"Oh yeah baby. Say my name. Come on, say my name. I can't remember my name".

Well you did borrow grandfather's "laptop" didn't you?! Eh...? Anyone?......... Oh just thumbs me down already.

cottoncandymango 17

Don't be snoopin' around in other people's things.

Not even bleaching your eyes will help you

Just empty the recycle bin don't go through it...they are there to be deleted...

Way more than you wanted to see?? You only wanted to see a little bit of his penis?

SmittyJA24 26

Limp or stiff, ... Does it really matter?