By usmcpain - 23/06/2009 05:16 - United States
Same thing different taste
Pain in the ass
By Anonymous - 17/06/2021 22:01 - United States - Greenville
By IHaveTwoOwies - 06/10/2017 13:00
Enjoy yourself
By Anonymous - 17/05/2021 14:01
By carboat - 28/01/2009 09:24 - United States
Fight yoga, try stress
By Dawn - 12/08/2021 08:01
By Drewski - 22/12/2016 00:11 - United States - Cincinnati
Leg day (and night)
By Anonymous - 09/08/2023 16:00
Not this again
By Anonymous - 20/07/2024 17:00 - Australia - Brisbane
By Anonymous - 14/04/2017 02:00
Take the W
By are you fucking kidding - 24/10/2022 06:00 - Australia
Top comments
How is this an FML? You hurt your back and you were in the marines, boo hoo. FYL you feel the need you had to submit this.
maybe its because of the bed monster
Why don't you go into the Marine for 4 years? You won't be able to survive that long.
sigh...... #54 was trying to tell the idiot commenter to shut up, give our armed forces some respect, and lets see THEM try to do 4 years in the Marines(because they most likely wouldn't make it). That was the point of their comment..... Very relevant......
but not to the FML. the FML is not that they were in the marines. It just makes it ironic. Also..the other commenter you are telling to shut up and enlist was not insulting the other commenter in any way..just saying how enlisting is voluntary. The marines part is not the FML..nor is it a point to complain you have to sign up to do it.
I get the irony.... and so, i believe does # 54. I was implying to # 60 that HIS comment was irrelevant because #54 (i'm sure) knows that the Marines are voluntary. #54 was wanting #1 to go through what the OP had to do, you know, the 4 years of busting his ass as a Marine... and then MAYBE #1 can say that he is "whining".... If posting a lighthearted FML can constitute as whining. Sorry, is that more clear?
#60, the commenter #54 was commenting on the 1 first comment that was removed. That was a wierd sentance. lol anyways that pretty hilarious, how long ago were u in the marines??
sure. clear as it needs to be.
Being in the marine corps breaks your body down. I would know, ive been a marine for 1 and a half years now, and a lot of marines that are senior to me have back and knee problems from carrying over 100lbs of gear for miles at a time on a regular basis. GRUNT LIFE! semper fi
Wow fag why don't you show some respect, honestly I dare you to join the marine corps and see how long your scrawny ass makes it.
Actually, ellie, this might be BECAUSE of the Marines. Sometimes if you're used to a really hard bed--which the military is infamous for--your back will throw itself out if you sleep on a soft one. OP might try putting some plywood under his mattress, it's an old trick to firm your mattress up if you need a harder one. (It happened to me, without the Marines bit. When I stuck plywood under the mattress, my back was fine almost overnight.)
Beds. They are dangerous, you know?
beds are evil...
Elliebutton: wtf? Are you on your period or something? STOP BEING A BITCH!! OP: i have just one thing to say... PWNED!!!!
Er, #3, 1. no. 2. Wtf is wrong with you? You think this FML is decent over others? Wow, you woke up with a sore back. God, I'll drop everything and feel bad for you. My God, there are WAY BETTER ONES than this out there. Have you got your head stuck up your ass?
Maybe their head's up YOUR ass, something seems to be wedged up there pretty tightly.
Mhmm yet you are the only one complaining..
Woah.. if that is how elliebutton acts normally.. I don't wanna be around her when she IS on her period. D: and I had a sore back last night and it was hard to sleep. lucky for me it wasn't anything serious ;]. But FYL, back injuries hurt really bad. Hope you're okay :(
DUDE...chill jesus its an FML
cry a little more . . . YDI for complaining of a bad back on this site. grow up and get some REAL problems.
yeah! real problems like saying something stupid in front of a girl, or your car getting a flat tire. do you realize how stupid you sound? back problems are real problems. the shit I mentioned are not real problems.
That's not the point dumbass read it a little more carefully, maybe all the way through this time.
Even a sneeze can throw out a person's back. I do hope that a lot of people on here, particularly commenter 4, suffer a back injury one day.
Sorry, I meant to direct that to commenter 7, who appears as the 4th comment.
Ellie, do you have any idea how painful and prolonged ******* back injury is? I fell down some steel steps as a child and even now I've had days where I couldn't walk from the pain.
Yes, I do. I've had 4 operations on my spine, actually.
That sucks, ellie. That you lived, I mean.
How mature. Someone posted a comment you didn't like on a website and you wish they died.
Can someone please tell me what is this comment replying to?
FY just eff u :] perhaps the 4yrs is finally starting to kick ur ass and not the 'tossing n turning' not an fml

sigh...... #54 was trying to tell the idiot commenter to shut up, give our armed forces some respect, and lets see THEM try to do 4 years in the Marines(because they most likely wouldn't make it). That was the point of their comment..... Very relevant......
Why don't you go into the Marine for 4 years? You won't be able to survive that long.