By Fred - 06/01/2009 08:28 - France

Today, I couldn't take home the free weights I'd planned on buying to start bodybuilding 'cos I couldn't lift the box, which was too heavy for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 068
You deserved it 5 499

Same thing different taste

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nice that almost happened when i was buying more weight plates, and after carrying 60pounds to my friends car without hurting anything, the plates fell off the seat, and onto my foot =/

seems to me the store would have a dolly/handcart that you could use or that an employee could use to take them to your car.


ryguy997 0

free but buying? huh? an finaly a good first post. there is hope for humanity yet.

it's called asking someone OP. YDI for being an idiot

it makes sense...all of the weights are in there, even if you won't be using them all at the same time. That's actually ok.

FreakingFYou 13

He obviously didn't do well in school either. 'Cos is not a word, and you don't buy free weights.

free means you move them freely, like dumbbells, but they still cost money

SnifflyG 9

@23 just because he said 'cos doesnt mean he didnt do well in school. do u think everyone that says ty or np or lol is didnt do well in school 'COS they shorten words? GTFO troll

free weights - u dont pay planned on buying - paying "/ theres some problems with your statement.

Well no shit op.. I doubt many people can lift a box full of free weights... That's why you start with a fraction of them when you exercise because you probably can't lift them all.. What exactly are you whining about?